Posts Tagged ‘ Christmas ’

This Christmas

n37857008129_5382With Christmas only a couple of weeks away, many of us are looking forward to opening those gifts that are already collecting under the Christmas tree. We can hardly wait to see if we got what we wanted. When no one is looking we dig under the tree to find the gifts with our name on it. We feel how heavy it is. We shake it. We try to guess what might be in each box and bag. We wonder what surprises await us on Christmas morning. We all love Christmas and we all love gifts.
The question that I want it ask is, “what do you really want for Christmas?” Is it a CD, a computer, a car, clothes, shoes? What is it? How are you going to feel if you get it? How long will the feeling last? How long before it gets old? How long before it is out of style?
Maybe a few weeks. Maybe a few months. The truth is that most of the things that are on our Christmas list will not keep us happy for long. The excitement will fade and life will return to normal and we will be left empty and disappointed until next Christmas.
But what if there were some things that we could ask for that would really matter? What if there were some gifts that we could give that could change our relationships for the better? I think there are gifts like these.

Many of us HOPE that this next year will be better than this past year. Some of you are ready to put this year behind you. Christmas is a time of HOPE. A time that we look forward to a new start. Most of you would say that you HOPE that your grades will be better next year, your dating life will be better, your relationship with your parents would be better. I would be willing to bet that most of the people on your Christmas list would love to have HOPE that things will be ok. Most of your parents would probably love to have hope that their finances will be better, that their jobs will be better, that their marriages will be better, and their relationship with you will be better than this past year. Your brothers and sisters probably would love to have HOPE that their lives will be better next year, and so would your friends.

I believe that we all would love to experience PEACE this next year. Peace at home, Peace in our friendships, Peace with ourselves, and Peace with God. A peace that says everything is ok between us. That all of the arguing and tension would end. That all of the hurtful words would stop. That all of the guilt would go away. That all of the stress will go away. Deep down, we all want peace.

More than anything, I think we would all say that we would like to feel loved. We would all want to know that the people closest to us really love us. Despite our mistakes and despite our flaws. We would all want to know that the people we love the most love each other. For many of you, you would want to know that your parents love each other.

The good news is that Christmas is about all of these things.

Christmas is all about HOPE. HOPE that through JESUS things can be better. HOPE that He is in control. HOPE that He knows our future. HOPE that He knows our heart. And HOPE that HE knows what we need.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. –Jeremiah 29:11

Christmas is all about PEACE. In fact, without Christmas, there would be no peace. JESUS is the only way that we can experience peace at home, peace in our relationships, peace with ourselves, and Peace with God.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. –Luke 2:13-14

Christmas is all about LOVE. In fact, Christmas is God’s first step in showing us His love. And we when understand what real love is, then and only then can we experience love in our other relationships.

“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” —which means, “God with us.” –Matthew 1:23

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. –1 John 3:16

Will you accept these gifts of HOPE, PEACE, and LOVE

Will you give these gifts of HOPE, PEACE, and LOVE